Introducing Semojis™

Help users identify, build and present their soft skills with trovvit’s Semojis™ (Soft Skill Emojis).

Soft skills have become the most sought after skills of schools, colleges and employers. Even ranked above “hard skills”, soft skills demonstrate a person’s ability to learn, accomplish and perform - for themselves and others. trovvit recognized the importance of soft skills and selected the top twelve most useful for a student to succeed.

Soft skills are not something that can be tested for and measured in a uniform way. “Leadership” in one community or even grade may present itself in an entirely different way than in another. This does not mean that it is any less valuable but it’s value needs context and what better context than a student’s learning community?

Semojis allow users to share what they see in a post. Unlike the classic “thumbs up” or “heart” options of some platforms, semojis are a way to express what you see in the post of a fellow user’s soft skills.

Users can give and receive Semojis™ - soft skill emojis - on the posts they see. By giving semojis they are able to show the owner of the record what soft skills they recognize in the post. Users can give up to three semojis per a record.

Your own soft skills dashboard

Each user has their own personal and private dashboard where they can manage their network and see how many records have received a certain type of semoji.

Clicking on the semoji counter will show them the specific records that received that semoji.

They can even curate these records into a portfolio to show collection of posts with examples of specific soft skills.

Finally! A way to teach, demonstrate and recognize soft skills!

Users see all of the semojis they received

Users can see their records by semoji type

Users can create a portfolio to show their soft skills

Meet the team

Empathy Semoji

Understanding and sharing the feelings of another

Integrity Semoji

Being honest and having strong moral principles

Leadership Semoji

Motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal

Teamwork Semoji

Working well with others to achieve a common goal

Grit Semoji

Showing courage and resolve; strength of character

Positive Attitude Semoji

Positive Attitude:
Being optimistic and helping good things to happen

Mindfullness Semoji

Having an attitude of curiosity, openness, and acceptance

Problem Solver Semoji

Problem Solver:
Finding solutions to difficult or complex issues

Risk Taker Semoji

Risk Taker:
Taking chances in the hope of achievement

Communication Semoji

Ability to effectively give and receive information

Creativity Semoji

Creating original ideas, works or solutions

Critical Thinking Semoji

Critical Thinking:
Skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information